Road to Mainnet: November 2023

Welcome to November's edition of the Avail team's monthly series providing updates on all things Avail. Read on to find technical highlights from this past month and upcoming milestones and events.

By Avail Team 5 min read
Road to Mainnet: November 2023


As we gear up to Mainnet, we’ll be focusing on the progress and projects along the way from the Avail team. November has been a milestone month for us, launching our Clash of Nodes  Incentivized Testnet, hosting our very first event, and we got to share a few of the other projects we’ve been working on, so let’s get to it!


Technical Update

  • We launched the Clash of Nodes Incentivized Testnet in early November and have seen tremendous involvement from our community. Thanks for that! 
  • With the incentivized testnet running, it  allows us to test the network's resiliency and the result has been very positive so far, getting us ready for Mainnet. 
  • We are testing different set-ups of the network for our light client network. We are now constantly testing with around 1K light clients and testing different performance profiles. 
  • We are working on getting the final shape of the network architecture in place, based on the performance we are seeing on the incentivized testnet. 
  • We are progressing with an external audit, which will be concluded in December. 

Network Update

  • Onboarded 270 validators on the Goldberg Testnet already. Will continue to onboard more validators until we reach 300. 
  • We launched a leaderboard to track challenges and activities of participant performance. 
  • The Balance Transfers challenge has launched successfully to the community
  • We will be soon rolling out other challenges for the testnet.

Blog Posts

Clash of Nodes Update

Avail's Clash of Nodes incentivized testnet is off to an awesome start! On November 7th, we officially launched Clash of Nodes. We initiated the rollout to validators, marking a significant milestone. The incentivized testnet now has rapidly expanded with 270 validators, 34,000 accounts, and a remarkable 603,000 transactions. In the past week alone, we recorded 143,000 transactions and witnessed a day where 1GB of data was submitted to the chain, showcasing the network's robustness. See it all on the leaderboard.

The "Finding Yourself" challenge was successfully launched and completed. Currently, we have 5 ongoing challenges, including "Max Balance Transfer Points," "Noble Warrior," and "Magic Nomination Pools." You can find detailed information about these challenges on our Clash documentation site.


The Avail team at Devconnect, Istanbul. 

The whole team was in Istanbul for Devconnect last month!

We kicked off the week with our first Hot Take Series, focusing on the “Battle of the L2s” and their different visions for the rollup future. The day was full of great talks, insightful panel discussions, and networking opportunities with over 350 members of our community. If you were able to join us, thank you for making it such a great event! We loved to see our Avail community IRL. In case you missed it, we have all the talks and panels available to watch on our Youtube playlist

A full house at Avail’s Hot Take Series. 
Co-founder Anurag Arjun gives keynote address at Avail’s Hot Take Series.
Attendees listen during Avail’s Hot Take Series.
Moderated by L2BEAT’s Bartek Kiepuszewski, Ben Jones (Optimism), Patrick McCorry (Offchain Labs/Arbitrum), Alex Gluchowski (Matter Labs/zkSync), Jordi Baylina (Polygon), and Toghrul Maharramov (Scroll), sit down at the Layer 2 Landscape Panel. 
Co-founder Prabal Banerjee moderates the Rollups, Validiums, Optimiums Panel.

We also participated on a number of panels including Altlayer’s Rollup Frontier DayL2BEAT and Scroll’s L2 Days, Madara’s KebDara, EthStorage’s Innovation Nexus, W3DC : Dreamworld, NethermindEth Summit, libp2p Day, and LumozOrg's RaaS Day.

If you missed us in Istanbul, we’ve been at ETHIndia this week, speaking at events like Polygon Connect Polkadot Pulse, Stackr HackerHouse, Interfaces, Protocols Conf, Founder House, and zk-bankai. If you haven’t already, come say hi to the team!

Our Favorite Tweets

Next Month

Behind the scenes with Sebastien Guillemot, Co-Founder of Paima Studios.

We were busy during our time in Istanbul, and have some new whiteboard sessions for you, dropping soon! Keep an eye on our Youtube channel.

Be sure to learn more about what’s next with Clash of Nodes and join our waiting lists at to stay in the loop!

To stay updated on all things Avail, follow us on Twitter, stay tuned to the blog, engage on the forum, and subscribe to our newsletter.