Mainnet and Beyond: August 2024

Welcome to August's edition of the Avail team's monthly series providing updates on all things Avail. Read on to find technical highlights from this past month and upcoming milestones and events.

By Avail Team 3 min read
Mainnet and Beyond: August 2024


This past month we've been working closely with our partners building on Avail DA, as well as hosting community meetups across Asia, and participating at ETHTokyo’s hackathon. Let’s get to it!


Technical Update

  • We have released a new release version for nodes on the Turing testnet and on Mainnet. Please make sure to upgrade.
  • We added new examples and interfaces to Avail Rust.
  • The Avail Light Client is currently undergoing significant improvements and changes. Some of them improve the performance of the Kademlia DHT.

Network Update

  • The active set of 51 validators continues to maintain zero downtime, ensuring uninterrupted network performance since launch.
  • V2.2.5.0 Mainnet release improves telemetry and RPC rate limiting.
  • The Avail Improvement Proposal (AIP) 1 successfully passed, improving nomination pool limits.
  • AIP 2 is proposed to gradually increase the validator count by 10%, aimed at promoting network decentralization.



Podcasts and X Spaces


Anurag Arjun (Co-founder, Avail) presents to community members in Jakarta.
Anurag Arjun (Co-founder, Avail) speaks with community members.
Avail community members in Ho Chi Minh City.

We were delighted to meet over 290 community members across Asia this past month with ecosystem meetups in Hong Kong, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Seoul, and Istanbul. A huge thank you to everyone in the community who made it out to our meetups! Your energy, support, and enthusiasm are what make these events so special. Stay tuned on X for future meetups!

Robin Roy (DevRel, Avail) presents on Avail during the ETHTokyo hackathon.

Last week, Avail DevRel Robin Roy was on hand at ETHTokyo to support devs building on the Avail track. 

Hot Tweets

Next Month

Avail Co-founder Prabal Banerjee and DevRel Naruto will be around at Token 2049 Singapore, at a number of events including:  L3 & ZK Night Token2049, Multichain Day, Epic Web3 L2Con, Liquidity Day , Automata Network TEE Unconference, Altlayer Rollup Day. as well as leading an Avail track at ETHGlobal Singapore’s hackathon. 

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