Join Avail in Istanbul: Event Schedule

Join Avail at Devconnect for our Hot Take Series: Battle of the L2s, a full-day deep dive into Ethereum’s largest L2s and the ecosystems being built on rollups.

By Avail Team 3 min read
Join Avail in Istanbul: Event Schedule

Avail Hot Take Series: Battle of the L2s

If you want to dive into the nitty-gritty details of how Ethereum's largest L2 scaling providers plan to scale the throughput of Ethereum then you won’t want to miss this. Avail’s Hot Take Series: Battle of the L2s will be taking place at the Grand Hyatt in Istanbul on Monday, November 13

Event Overview

Let's discover what the future of the rollup and appchain ecosystem is going to look like, and how it improves the state of web3 today.

You’ll learn how you can spin up your own high-throughput, low-cost blockchain in minutes with leading Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) providers and the different benefits developers get from building blockchains on top of various L2s. You’ll also hear from some of the teams who have already built their own chains using these frameworks. 

The L2 Landscape Panel 

Learn about the L2 and L3 scaling initiatives being built for developers and the different roads towards scalability that are being paved.

Hosted by Bartek, L2BEAT with:

Rollup-as-a-Service Panel 

Take a deep dive into today's RaaS landscape and learn everything you need to know about selecting the right RaaS provider.

Hosted by Grace Deng, SevenX Ventures with:

Rollups, Validiums, & Optimiums Panel 

Learn from the teams who have built and are running Rollups, Validiums and Optimiums today.

Hosted by Prabal Banerjee, Avail with:

Talks & Demos

We'll also have deep dives from teams to learn about their approach towards building ecosystems on scalable, low-cost blockchains.

Don't miss talks from:

So come along and meet some of the folks scaling Ethereum. There will be plenty of nitty gritty details and spicy hot takes. 🌶️

Event Schedule

9:00-9:45 Gates Open & Registrations

9:50-10:00 Opening Words

​10:00-10:15 Keynote Speaker

10:15-10:45 zkSync ZKStack & Hyperchains (Talk & Demo)

10:50-11:20 Arbitrum Orbit (Talk & Demo)

11:25-12:10 Rollups, Validiums, & Optimiums Panel - Hosted by Prabal Banerjee (Co-Founder, Avail)

12:15-12:45 Starknet Appchains & Madara (Talk & Demo)

12:50-13:35 Rollup-as-a-Service Panel (Hosted by Grace Deng (SevenX Ventures))

13:40-14:20 Lunch Break

​14:25-14:45 Celo's L2 Proposal: Scaling Up the Tempo of Affordable Transactions (Talk)

14:50-15:20 OP Stack & Superchain (Talk & Demo)

​15:25-15:55 Scroll: Do Sequencers Matter?

​16:00-16:45 The L2 Landscape Panel (hosted by Bartek, L2BEAT)

​16:50-17:05 Tea Break

17:10-17:30 ZK Fraud Proofs and the Future of Finality (Talk)

​17:35-17:55 Modular Gaming Stack for Onchain Games (Talk)

​18:00 Closing words followed by Networking

If you can’t make it then follow us on X as we will be sharing some key insights and learnings on the day and over the coming weeks.