Chain of Events: August 2023

Welcome to August's Chain of Events, the Avail team's monthly series providing updates on all things Avail. Read on to find technical highlights, the events we attended, blog posts written, and Tweets from the team.

By Avail Team 3 min read
Chain of Events: August 2023


Welcome to the second edition of “Chain of Events” our monthly series designed to keep you connected with all the happenings at Avail. You’ll see we’ve added a new ‘Network Update’ section this month so we can continue to provide the community with monthly updates on network related activities. August was a busy month for the team across the board though, so let’s dive in!


Technical Update

Avail is on the road to Mainnet. As a result, we're focused on making stability improvements, benchmarking performance, and finalizing network architecture and interface changes. This month, our engineering team has been able to make a number of significant improvements to Avail’s performance and capabilities.

  • We have finished deploying and testing a new observability approach that we will be using for our light clients. This allows us to better understand and debug the behavior of light clients in the wild, and to improve their performance and behavior.
  • We are progressing with the integration of the new Light client API. Specifically, we are working on the submit endpoint, which can be used by rollups to submit data to Avail.
  • A big chunk of our effort is currently going into testing integrations with partners who are building on top of our developer networks, and making optimizations to the node implementation and deployments throughout the process.
  • Another set of comprehensive testing is being done with our validators on the Kate testnet. You can read more about that in the Network Update section below.

Network Update

  • Kate testnet is fully operational with 100 validators securing the network.
  • Testnet validators will be capped at 100 for Kate testnet.
  • Testing of various scenarios are on-going on the testnet.
  • We will be releasing details of the incentivized testnet soon!
  • Incentivized testnet will have a much larger cap of validators.
  • We are also working with internal and external teams for creating dashboards for the testnet and eventually mainnet release.
  • We are also operating a separate testnet for our partner Dymension. They have currently deployed hundreds of rollapps on the testnet and their users are actively participating in testnet activities.

Blog Posts and Twitter Spaces

We've shared several blog posts and parcipated in conversations online this month. Here's a brief overview:

Blog Posts

Twitter Spaces

Podcast Episodes


Our team was active at Stanford’s Science of Blockchain Conference 2023 this past month. Ljubiša Isaković and Momčilo Miladinović presented Leveraging Kademlia DHT for Efficient Data Availability Sampling: A Pragmatic Approach at KademliaCon. Dan Mills spoke on a Modular Blockchain panel at the Infra Frontiers event.

Ljubiša Isaković & Momčilo Miladinović presenting at KademliaCon.
Dan Mills on the Modular Blockchain panel at Infra Frontiers.

Our Favorite Tweets

Here are some of our favorite tweets from the community and team this month.

Running Avail light client on a phone.

Anurag along with Shivanshu and the team debunk some myths about Modular Blockchains. 

Prabal addresses the elephant in the room 🐘.

Next Month

We’re looking forward to sharing more about a new team that has been working hard, hiding away in a secret bunker, deep underground. 🥷 They’re a little thirsty and a bit oxygen deprived but eager to see the light of day and continue exploring uncharted horizons in the modular ecosystem.

You can also catch our team in Singapore next week at Token 2049! Anurag Arjun and Prabal Banerjee will be speaking at a number of events during the week.

To stay updated, follow us on Twitter, stay tuned to the blog, and subscribe to our newsletter.