Discover Avail’s Rapidly Expanding Ecosystem

Avail’s partnerships have been expanding rapidly across multiple categories. In this deep dive we take a look at some of the innovative teams leveraging Avail DA, unearthing a new era for blockchain infrastructure.

By Avail Team 16 min read
Discover Avail’s Rapidly Expanding Ecosystem

With modular blockchain architectures here to stay, many teams are building separate parts of the blockchain stack. Avail’s foundational data availability layer plays a key role in all of this, as it’s built to support multiple blockchains on top.

By harnessing similar mental models to web2’s microservices architectures, developers can enable verifiable blockchain computation to reach every corner of the internet.

Software engineers are utilizing this cutting-edge tech stack to build a new generation of blockchains. Builders across the ecosystem will deploy with the launch of Avail DA on mainnet, or shortly after.

Below is a deep dive into the various teams and technologies already on board:

Ethereum L2 Stacks

Few rollup stacks have been battle tested as much as the 5 most popular Ethereum rollups have, and now the rollup stacks of Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon CDK, Starknet and zkSync have been integrated with Avail DA

This gives developers the ability to build with these popular rollup stacks and easily tap into Avail DA’s unique feature set. Developers can use this combination to build general purpose or application specific blockchains.

Arbitrum Orbit is a rollup stack which has been battle tested by hundreds of apps and millions of users on Arbitrum One. Arbitrum Orbit chains provide developers with the tools they need to use the Arbitrum Nitro stack for their own blockchain apps.

OP Stack is a standardized, shared, and open-source development stack that powers Optimism, maintained by the Optimism Collective.

Polygon CDK enables you to build your own ZK-powered Layer 2 custom-fitted to your needs. Its modular, open source software toolkit allows blockchain developers to launch new zero-knowledge proof L2 chains.

StarkWare focuses on building appchains using the Madara Rollup Framework to increase the speed of transactions, while bringing down their costs.

zkSync Hyperchains powered by the same zkEVM engine available on the ZK Stack and currently powering the first hyperchain, zkSync Era can be developed and permissionlessly deployed by anyone.

Application Specific Chains

One of the internet’s modern wonders is the idea of application specific microservices. Netflix, Uber and almost everything you interact with today gets built by combining many smaller, loosely coupled microservices which talk to each other and create applications that can scale to millions of users, and billions in some cases.

Blockchain technology hasn’t been ready for this approach, but now it is. 

Just like in modern application development, teams are creating blockchains that fulfill a specific purpose. These blockchain-based building blocks enable developers to create far more sophisticated applications for their users. Avail DA is the supporting platform which helps enable this application specific activity to take place on top.

Here are some of the application specific blockchains leveraging Avail DA, adopting a new modular web3 primitive to scale the way the internet operates and scales today.

Fuse is a payments chain built to create Stripe level functionality in a web3 environment. It enables developers to integrate web3 native features effortlessly into their applications. Things like mobile payments, cost effective e-commerce solutions, NFT-based loyalty programs and branded stablecoins.

Ternoa brings a new layer of decentralized security and privacy to blockchains, powered by trusted execution environment (TEE) coprocessors. A multi-network and cross-layer protocol leveraging confidential computing technologies to make blockchain more secure, private and scalable.

Arcana is a modular L1 powering chain abstractions and intents helping developers significantly improve user experience in Web3. Arcana’s products include Wallet as a Service with social logins, Gasless, frictionless crypto payments over email, and more.

OpenLayer is building an open oracle as an EigenLayer AVS. OpenOracle is faster and cheaper than existing oracles offering a much wider variety of data feeds, essentially bringing anything on the public internet on-chain.

Darwinia enhances the cross-chain capabilities of decentralized applications. It enables DApp developers to easily build across multiple chains.

Neova is building an Infrastructure as a Service Protocol with a native storage application to address mainstream

Stackr breaks down the barriers between web2 and web3 by making it easy to build and operate rollups. Stackr solves this with an SDK for building micro-rollups, where individual functions within a decentralized app are developed, optimized and maintained as independent state machines.

Chai Identity, Sybil & high performance are still a core problem with chains in the industry. Chai is building an L2 Validium based on proof-of-individualism that aggregates onchain & offchain identity proofs as BLS signatures and stores them onchain secured by an AVS. With sub-second finality and native sybil resistance, chai is the best place to build highly performant fintech apps onchain.

Meroku is a decentralized app store protocol allowing users to explore and access a vast range of applications from both the web2 and web3 worlds.


A number of teams have begun building L2s on Bitcoin, leveraging the world’s most well known and longest standing blockchain network. With ~10 minute block times and around 60 minute finality however, it’s not the world’s fastest blockchain.

Developers building Bitcoin L2s that require improved performance can use Avail DA for interim finality. Publishing transaction data to Avail DA is not only affordable, it provides finality in ~40 seconds. These interim DA guarantees can be verified by end users with consumer grade hardware, thanks to Avail’s Light Client network. The Bitcoin blockchain is then used for hard finality.

Avail will also enable interoperability between Bitcoin L2s with Nexus which is something they cannot get by building on top of Bitcoin alone.

Avail and others are providing the building blocks for BTC L2s to scale, connect and become more efficient. Here’s a look at some of the teams building BTC L2s and integrating their BTC L2 infrastructure with Avail DA. 

dWallet Network enables Zero Trust Protocols (ZTPs) that maintain native Zero Trust security while operating across different networks. ZTPs powered by dWallet Network can swap, borrow against or stake native BTC (or any other native asset), bringing programmable native BTC to L1s/L2s, without bridging or wrapping.

Rooch is the application layer of Bitcoin, an asset-centric infrastructure that provides indexing, trading, and enables application scenarios for all Bitcoin assets.

LayerEdge offers a layer 2 protocol that leverages Bitcoin's security and Ethereum's programmability. LayerEdge offers both rapid, cost-effective scalability and uncompromised decentralization.

BeFi Labs’ native BTCFi trading terminal is functional with users favorite crypto wallets. Enabling low to zero fees and rapid trading of Bitcoin related assets directly with their preferred web3 wallet.

Zulu introduces a pioneering two-tier architecture within the Bitcoin ecosystem, designed to significantly expand the capabilities of the Bitcoin Network. ZuluPrime operates as a Bitcoin Layer 2, prioritizing EVM compatibility and ZuluNexus is positioned as the Layer 2 for ZuluPrime, essentially acting as a Bitcoin Layer 3.

Side Protocol is the extension layer of Bitcoin. At its core lies a settlement layer optimized to unlock programmability and scalability for the Bitcoin-centric rollup ecosystem.

Web3 Gaming

Throughput demands of popular games place significant pressure on underlying infrastructure. Web3 gaming is one of the most exciting growth opportunities for blockchain adoption and will be no different from its web2 predecessor. 

Demands for inexpensive data availability from popular web3 games played a major role in driving teams towards adopting data availability committees (DACs). While using a DAC improves the experience for gamers by lowering costs and shortening confirmation times, the often centralized DACs lack decentralization guarantees, security, resilience, and end-user assurances that you get when you integrate with Avail’s DA layer. DACs increase the surface area where a user’s assets can be lost or frozen, breaking the fundamental guarantees that come with blockchain technology. 

Avail’s unique approach to guaranteeing data availability with validity proofs and data availability sampling provide game developers with significantly improved rails to build web3 games on, guaranteeing data availability in a cost effective, trustless, decentralized and verifiable way. With Avail, game developers can simply plug into its decentralized infrastructure and focus on building quality games.

The cross-chain opportunities for web3 games powered by Avail Nexus will also enable game skins, loot and other assets to trade seamlessly across gaming environments unlocking a new world of interoperable possibilities. 

Here are some of the builders already implementing Avail’s DA layer into their gaming stacks.

NIM is an AI Gaming chain that will provide the ultimate ecosystem for exploration and development of games at the intersection of Web3 and AI.

Blade Games is an on-chain game studio building trustless game and the infrastructure that supports it. The Blade Games team has diverse backgrounds in game design, defi, smart contract and zkp research.

Playnation, founded by visionaries from SubWallet and Wallacy Wallet, is building a premier gaming cross-chain wallet platform integrated into Telegram, offering users the chance to interact with and play web3 games within the social messaging platform, popular among web3 native users.


Efficient access to liquidity is critical to any financial system and DeFi is no different. The speed and efficiency of decentralized finance is inherently tied to the performance of the underlying blockchain infrastructure. When the infrastructure becomes cheaper, faster and more connected, so too does the financial system built on top.

DeFi blockchains can now leverage Avail DA’s decentralized and validity-proven data availability layer to its fullest potential. While this can provide an important boost to the chain’s cost efficiency, finality time and scalability, Avail’s broader vision to unify web3 has the potential to create an even more profound impact. 

Avail Nexus will permissionlessly connect blockchains within and beyond the Avail ecosystem, across all blockchains in every virtual machine realm, including the non-EVM world. This has a significant impact on the possible DeFi primitives available to the industry and some teams have already begun utilizing these unique capabilities, taking DeFi a big leap forward.

Quickswap is the leading DEX on Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM, X Layer, Immutable zkEVM, Astar zkEVM, Manta Pacific, and Dogechain. It's fully decentralized, community-driven, and home to the DragonFi ecosystem, a comprehensive suite of DeFi products and hundreds of powerful integrations.

Yala  connects Bitcoin liquidity with a meta yield stablecoin. Designed as both a potent asset and a liquidity enhancer, the stablecoin, $YU, operates across various ecosystems, increasing efficiency without the need for bridges or relocating the underlying Bitcoin. Yala empowers Bitcoin holders and ecosystem participants with expanded utility, all while maintaining the security of Bitcoin's infrastructure.

Wallets and Infra

Users can interact with the Avail blockchain from one of many user-friendly wallets. This simplifies the user’s experience when interacting with the Avail blockchain, making actions like swapping and staking really easy.

Developers integrating with Avail DA can not only utilize these wallets for their own needs but can leverage the many partnerships Avail has with infrastructure providers. These partnerships provide valuable integrations across the web3 ecosystem.

Luganodes provides institutional grade blockchain infrastructure, simplifying the staking process for enterprises and individuals. 

Nocturnal Labs is a team of engineers and Web 3 advocates building bespoke private, immutable and decentralized infrastructure across the most critical blockchain networks.

NodeKit is the composability layer that allows blockchains to unlock synchronous communication.

Spheron is a DePIN protocol to scale the most compute-heavy applications in crypto.

Subscan is a high-precision Web3 explorer.

SubQuery is pioneering fast, flexible and scalable web3 infrastructure for 170+ chains.

Subsquid is a peer-to-peer network to batch query and aggregate terabytes of on-chain and off-chain data in a ridiculously efficient way.

Vistara is a hardware availability layer for the decentralized web, democratizing access to decentralized hardware, and designed from the ground up for the needs of developers. 

Avail Space is a community run project with everything Avail, all in one space.

Fearless Wallet is a mobile wallet and browser extension tailored for the expansive horizons of the Polkadot and Ethereum ecosystems. 

Klever Wallet is your self-custody crypto wallet for seamless blockchain transactions. Buy, sell, hodl and swap any coin and nft on your terms.

Nova Wallet takes away all of the complexities of staking and gets you started in the most beneficial way for YOU! No need to worry about Nomination Pools, Direct Staking or Validators! 

PolkaSafe is a multisig-based, non-custodial asset management platform for institutions and individuals on Polkadot & Avail ecosystem.

SubWallet is the most adopted and most comprehensive non-custodial wallet solution for Polkadot, with wallet support across both Substrate & Ethereum ecosystems, envisioning a Web3 multiverse gateway through which users can enjoy multichain services with utmost ease and absolute security.

Silence Laboratories  is a cybersecurity company that focuses on the fusion of cryptography, sensing, and design to support seamless authentication experiences. 

Talisman is an ultra-secure wallet that makes web3 simple for beginners and unlocks superpowers for pros.

Triangle powers businesses to embed Web3 experiences across DeFi, NFTs, payments, social, and many more by using the most powerful wallet infrastructure API.

Allnodes is a non-custodial platform where you can host masternodes, validator nodes, super nodes, sentry nodes, full nodes, and partake in staking in over 70 protocols.

Automata Network is a modular attestation layer that extends machine trust to Ethereum with TEE Coprocessors. Its Multi-Prover AVS bootstrap TEE Committees to harden security for rollups with a secondary TEE Prover.

BwareLabs aims to tackle Web3 challenges and boost global adoption by offering the industry's highest-performance and most reliable infrastructure services and development tools.

FalconX is a leading digital assets prime brokerage for institutions, offering the most comprehensive access to global digital asset liquidity. They are also the first CFTC registered cryptocurrency swap dealer and provide institutional grade custody.

Equilibrium is an R&D company focused on hard engineering problems around security, privacy, and scaling of the decentralized web.

Fairblock is a programmable encryption layer that upgrades onchain experiences by delivering encryption to users' preferred blockchains, applications, and wallets.

Developer Tools and Services

Avail DA unlocks a lot of new and exciting opportunities for developers and users. Having it accessible within developer tools and services spanning across the web3 ecosystem provides more opportunities for developers to seamlessly integrate Avail DA into their tech stack and leverage its features and benefits.

Avail DA has already been widely adopted into the development stacks of many SDKs, Frameworks and Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) providers, allowing developers to spin up new rollups in just a few clicks. Here are the teams making it easy for developers to build with Avail DA.

Fluent is the first blended execution network - an L2 for Wasm, EVM and SVM apps.

Dymension is a home for easily deployable and lightning fast app-chains, called RollApps.

Crestal streamlines the discovery and integration of modular services for web3 builders, enabling the deployment of optimal infrastructure tailored to each project's unique requirements. Builders trust Crestal's robust verification system to ensure that all deployed services consistently meet a rigorous, blockchain-verified Proof of Performance standard.

Airchains enhance privacy through ZK scaling. Airchains is a modular zk-Rollup framework platform, uniquely designed to empower developers in constructing comprehensive applications with unparalleled speed and privacy. 

ZKCross is an open modular app-specific rollup framework based on zkWasm. It provides developers with a comprehensive dApp stack for creating zk-provable applications, unlocking new opportunities for swift experimentation and innovation.

Vitwit are specialists in the Cosmos ecosystem with deep expertise in Cosmos-SDK, IBC, CosmWasm, and rollup technologies. 

Sovereign is an ecosystem of seamlessly interoperable and scalable rollups that can run on any blockchain.

RISC Zero helps you get to market fast with dramatically lower development costs on the first general purpose zkVM. Prove anything, verify everywhere.

Rollkit is a sovereign rollup framework enabling you to launch a sovereign, customizable blockchain as easily as a smart contract.

Karnot is the leading RaaS provider for Madara, simplifying deploying scalable ZK app chains so you can focus on building your app.

AltLayer is a decentralized protocol that facilitates the launch of native and restaked rollups with both optimistic and zk rollup stacks.

Ankr provides streamlined access to a global network of nodes running on 18 different blockchains. This greatly simplifies the process of building, operating, and maintaining all the decentralized applications of the new web.

Conduit deploys fully-managed, production-grade rollups on Ethereum in just a few clicks, no code required.

Gateway provides the Presto platform that allows you to effortlessly create your own zkEVM and Optimistic rollups with all the necessary infrastructure in just four clicks.

Gelato is an all-in-one Ethereum Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform built without limits. Deploy custom chains with cutting-edge web2 UX. Seamless integrations with all your favorite Web3 tools & services.

Orbitron is an innovative platform set to redefine blockchain infrastructure by introducing a Decentralized Hardware Layer (DHL) that provides unparalleled scalability, customization, and performance.

PineX is a leading Rollup as a Service (RaaS) platform that integrates modular blockchain components such as rollup chain framework, data availability (DA) provider, wallets, bridges, browsers, and more. PineX provides web interfaces and toolsets for developers to manage their self-hosted infrastructures in a secure and convenient way.

Snapchain helps teams to build, host and scale their own decentralized L2 & L3 networks without compromise, from fully on-chain games to transaction-intensive DeFi apps, via our Rollup-as-a-Service (Raas) platform.

TrueZK is a Modular blockchain network enabling custom rollup deployments.

Deploy custom Rollups with your preferred modular components using TrueZK. We offer a complete platform to build Appchains with ZK stack, Mobile & Gaming SDKs, Privacy on demand, & Tokenization to drive mass adoption.

QuickNode provides all the tools and resources builders need to create incredible products — all backed by unparalleled, globally-balanced infrastructure, guaranteed reliability and security, a user-friendly interface, and end-to-end customer support.

Movement Labs is bringing Move execution to new networks and environments with the Movement SDK, Movement CLI, Fractal, and the Movement Shared Sequencer to provide paramount interoperability between Move-based environments and other networks.

Particle Network is a modular L1 powering chain abstraction.  It acts as a settlement layer for Web3, solving the fragmentation of users and liquidity across chains. This enables users to have a single address, balance, and use any token to pay for gas, on any chain.

Keep Scaling with Avail DA Today

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